Every piece of learning content on serlo.org has a unique number, the so-called Serlo-ID.
You always need the Serlo-ID if you want to
link to certain serlo.org pages
include tasks in courses or articles
You will find the Serlo ID of an article, a course page or a Serlo folder hidden in the URL of your learning content. It is a 4 to 6 digit number.
For example, this article has the ID 155311 and can also be accessed via the URL en.serlo.org/155311.
Using the Serlo ID
You can use this ID if you want to recommend a content using a short URL. You can also share this article via de.serlo.org/155311 and do not have to use the longer URL de.serlo.org/community/155311/serlo-id.
You can also use the Serlo ID to link to content from serlo.org within learning content. Here you can see an example of a link to a Serlo article within an assignment solution: