Our vision is free education shaped by an open and independent community. This community is made up of many wonderful people who support Serlo through:
knowledge and expertise
financial support
or their contacts and network.
You can find out more about the roles these people play at Serlo and what they do on this page.
The core of serlo.org is a wide range of learning content on various topics. These are created by our dedicated authors.
What can the role do?
Authors take care of:
Improving and updating existing content
Creating new content
How do I get the role?
If you want to become an author, register at serlo.org and get started!
In the community chat at community.serlo.org we will help you find a suitable task. Just introduce yourself in the channel #welcome-introduce-yourself.
Active authors can be recognised by the pencil symbol on the corresponding profile page. By the way, you count as an active author if you have made 10 edits in the last 90 days.
Reviewers are responsible for the quality assurance of the content on serlo.org. Our vision is to provide quality education free of charge. Reviewers help us to ensure this standard in terms of content quality, didactics, grammar and correct technical implementation.
What is the role?
Reviewers have the following tasks:
Reviewing content from authors (i.e. reviewers give feedback on new edits, accept or reject them).
Moving content on serlo.org (i.e. if an article on birds was mistakenly created in the Geometry section)
Sorting content and slides within a course, if they are not yet mapped in the optimal order
How do I get the role?
As a reviewer, you care about the quality and appearance of learning content. You enjoy discussing content and giving constructive and appreciative feedback. You can find out how to become a reviewer in our article on the role allocation process.
All content on serlo.org can be commented on. Moderators ensure that our comments section remains objective and that everyone adheres to our rules of conduct.
What can the role do?
Moderators are responsible for:
Deleting inappropriate comments or discussions
Ensuring that questions in the comments section are answered
Archiving closed or outdated discussions or comments
How do I get the role?
As a moderator you will be responsible for ensuring appropriate interaction on serlo.org. It is important that you find the right words even in tricky situations.
You can find out how to become a moderator in our article on the process of assigning roles.
If you notice an inappropriate comment or discussion in particular, you can reach moderators in the community chat on the #questions-and-requests channel. Feel free to send us a message with a link to the relevant discussion and we will take care of it.
Architects take care of structuring the folders, subfolders and content on serlo.org. In this way, architects ensure that content is appropriately arranged and easy to find.
What can the role do?
Architects have the following tasks:
Create, rename, move and delete content and folders in the topic tree
Copying content that fits into multiple subfolders
Sorting the contents of a folder according to didactic criteria
How do I get the role?
As an architect, you structure content on serlo.org. For example, you build and update curricula for your federal state on the learning platform. You can find out how to become an architect yourself in our article on the process of assigning roles.
If you notice content or folders that you would prefer to be sorted differently, you can reach architects in the community chat on the #questions-and-requests channel.
More roles
There exist even more roles in the community which will be added to this overview soon.