8Create the subject area
Inform your Serlo Contact that you reached this stage now. Serlo Contacts might be system administrators themselves or they will contact one for you in order to create the subject area (like www.en.serlo.org/yoursubject). A new subject area includes
1) the starting page
2) the navigation on the left
topics (= first level of the subject taxonomy)
Contribute to Serlo-yoursubject
unreviewed edits (= list of new edits that haven't been checked yet by a reviewer)
edit taxonomy (= leads you to a backend where you can edit the taxonomy of your subject)
guidelines (see below for more information)
trashbin (= shows the trashed content and allows you to reactivate it)
Create the starting page
The starting page is the landing page for everybody who visits your subject. It should respond to all the different interests that people could have when visiting your subject (learn, inform, participate, support). The minimalist version of the starting page includes:
mission statement
example content
possibilities to contribute
You can find a model starting page in the Google Drive folder that your Serlo Contact has provided to you. Just copy the text elements and the formatting elements (Markdown Code) and paste it into the editor.
This might also be the first time you will work with our editor, so we recommend to have a look at the basic description on how to edit content.
Create the guidelines page
The guidelines page (in the navigation under "contribute to Serlo-yoursubject") is a collection of important links to the general quality guidelines of Serlo and - if there are any - to special subject related guidelines from other language versions of Serlo
You can find a model guidelines page in the Google Drive folder that your Serlo Contact has provided to you. Just copy the Markdown-Code and paste it into the editor.