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Stage 1: Preparation

9Recruit a team

The most important part of Serlo Education is its team. So start finding people to work with: Working together is more effective and fun than working alone.

Who can become a team member?

There is only one necessary requirement for becoming a member of your team: Motivation to work with Serlo Education towards better education worldwide.

Desirable skills

It is helpful to have team members with one or more of the following skills. Of course everybody can learn and establish the required skill set while working in the team.

  1. Thematic expertise

  • knowledge in the relevant subject (this helps with adding subject content)

  • experience of working in education

  • didactical skills

  1. Contacts

  • contacts to schools (e.g. as teacher, student, students that want to become teachers). This can help to receive feedback and enable continuous review of the materials on

  • general social and professional network. This can help to find other team members, establish cooperations, advertise events and job offers etc.

  1. Organizational skills

  • ability to work with structure

  • writing and language skills

  • creativity

  • entrepreneurial spirit

  1. Communication and marketing skills

  2. Experience in (Serlo-) Community Building

Find people with these skills

We have listed some ideas on where to find people that could become part of your team.


Do you know people who are willing to change the world? At least a bit? Our experience shows that a very effective tool to find a team is to chat to people about Serlo Education. This can be at birthday parties, weddings, in the sports club in church or at home at the dinner table. is a great project! You can be proud to tell friends that you are part of it!

Social media and email lists

Put a post on facebook, twitter, relevant whatsapp groups and email lists. Tell them that you are looking for people that are interested in joining a young, innovative education NGO.Your post could look like that:


"Education enthusiasts wanted


Hello all,


I have recently started to volunteer for Serlo Education. I think is a great project that aims to make education in our world better and more just. ( offers intuitive explanations, courses, videos, exercises and sample solutions. Students can use these to learn according to their needs and at their own pace. is completely free of charge and free of ads."


I would like to establish >>geography<< as a new subject on Serlo. Therefore, we are looking for people that are interested in becoming part of the team!


Everybody who is enthusiastic about the idea can become part of the team. In particular, we are looking for people with experience in >>geography<<, education, organisation, communication or working in teams.


Do you want to learn more? Please contact me here: >><<"


Find the people who learn to teach the relevant subject. is a good chance for students to deepen their knowledge about their subject of study.


Possibilities for finding interested people at university include:

  • ask the student union and student societies to advertise in their newsletter and meetings

  • ask professors whether you can present at the beginning of a lecture, especially those with people interested in your subject

  • talk to professors whether they would accept somebody working on Serlo as their theses

  • ask administrators to send out an email to all students

  • design a poster and put it on the walls of your department

Serlo Education

People from other Serlo-Teams are certainly willing to help you. However, it would be great if you would find new members to increase Serlo's capacities


You can ask members of other teams whether they know people which could be willing to help you.

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