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Stage 2: Growth

3How to keep them and encourage more contribution

Good community life

Strong commitment is only possible through strong social relations. Strong social relations are only possible through regular personal, non-digital interaction. Regular personal non-digital interaction is only possible through strong city communities.

If you are in a city with a strong city community, you should coordinate your activities with the activities of the other subjects in this city or with the city community as such. It will be usefull to make some events together and some events separate.

If you are not in a city with a strong city community you should read the topic to City Communities too.

The Path to the city communities course


If they have no passion for the Vision of Serlo Education, they will not be keen on spreading the message.


How do we build up identification

  • Clear mission statement, common goal, that is propagated often

  • Much interaction with the community

Ease and fun of technical contribution

If you have an awesome community life, but it is difficult to contribute or it is just boring, you don't woun't work and help. That is why a good website structure, website gimmiks and easter egs are really important. Unfurtunitly you can't work on this features. But Serlo Global works to make the usability, the workflow at work as good as possible.

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