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Use the watering can - public relations

3Special Announcements

Sometimes you have a special announcement (e.g. your kick-off). If you want to make this event really big and prominent, you should pursue the subsequent structure:

  1. Planning

  2. Buildup

  3. Announcement

  4. Review


Our old friend, the plan is visiting us again. Again you have to answer some good questions:

Planning questions

You should know your goals, the needed tools, resources and peoples.You know, how to make a work plan… Make it!


"some things are better left to imagination"

  • make them care, before they know, what will happen

  • tease them… create excitment and anticipation

  • be carefull, use a buildup only, if the thing you wanna announce is worth it - don't dissappoint the excitement


  • Comming soon announcements


  1. Regardless wether you made a buildup or not, you need to answer in your announcement all the most immediate questions of the speculators.

  2. For your announcement you should have a single location where you direct the people to. This location is the new subject start website.

  3. This page should be easy to read. That's why the webiste should be

  • Succinct: don´t write more than 50% of the text you would write in a hardcopy publication

  • Scannable: no long, continous blocks of text

  • Splitted: use hypertext to split up information into multiple pages

It is always good to engage in a rhetorical dialog with the reader. Ask questions. Use an inspiring language.


To measure your success and to review everything you made is important to improve your work. It is also important to improve the work of others. We ask you to Review your Kick-Off and to share your findings on this webpage. They will be highly valuable for other community founders.

How should you evaluate your Kick-Off?

Ask the questions from the beginning again

Which criteria should you use?
  1. Efficiency identify areas that are inefficient and redundant

  2. Gather feedback (from people who consumed and produced the campagne)

  3. Gather new ideas with your teammembers

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