3Become an official university group
If you are an official university group you get plenty of benefits. For example in some universities you get a claim on your own office. It is also a question of reputation and visibility to become a university group.
When do you become an official university group?
This question is really difficult. Each university sets different requirements for university groups. You should write these requirements down at the beginning of the growth process and wait until you fullfilled them. Even if you fullfilled them already in the beginning of the growth proccess you should wait till you reached a critical mass of members. Maybe 20? or 30?
How to become an official university group?
In Germany most times AStA or StuPa are responsible for the university groups. In some universities you do not need to register to call you a university group. You should inform yourself, how your university handles this topic.
If there are some requirements to become a university group you should set these requirements on your workplan.