It consists of m equations in the variables x1,…,xn. The aij are coefficients in R.
For which values y1,…,ym∈R do these equations have a solution (x1,…,xn)? This question certainly depends on the number of equations and their relationship to each other.
Example: The system
does not always have a solution. For instance, it has no solution for y1=0 and y2=1, since the second equation is two times the first equation. More generally the same reasoning gives that there does not exist a solution whenever 2y1=y2. On the other hand it has a solution for y1=1 and y2=2 or more generally for 2y1=y2, for example x1=y1 and x2=0.
Writing a linear system of equations the way we wrote it above carries a lot of redundancy. For example the variables x1,…,xn appear in every row. To ease notation, we can use the matrix vector multiplication: We assemble the coefficients aij into an (m×n)-matrix and write the xi’s and yj’s as vectors.