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Get Involved!

There are several ways you can get involved with Serlo Education:


Serlo Team


Like Wikipedia, Serlo depends on volunteering authors to contribute their expertise and create learning materials. If you have knowledge to share, join our community of authors!

Editor / Community Supporter

In this role, you are part of a stable team of volunteers which coordinates the set-up of Serlo in any one language by supporting and reviewing the contributions of the online community of authors.

Language Coordinator

As a language coordinator, you take charge of setting up Serlo in your own language. Find out more here. We are looking for Language Coordinators for English as well as other languages.

If you are interested in working with us or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us under We are sure that we will find a suitable responsibility where you can bring in your talents.

Partnership Opportunities

If you would like to support our work as a company or professional, you can donate your expertise or products to help our cause.

Social Impact Partner

We want to make world-class education available to all - especially for the least privileged. For this, we need impact partners. If you are an organisation that works with disadvantaged children, please get in touch!

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