3Build the City Page
If you want to promote your new City Community you should have a City Community page.
This Page should entail:
A Picture under the headline (950x360)
A short info, what Serlo is
A short info what kind of people you are looking for
A short info, what these people can do (e.g. work on math/ translate)
The goal from your Mission statement
A Link to the Facebook Group of your city community (right after you founded it)
Time and Place of the weekly meetings (after you begin to have regular meetings)
The next event(s)
job postings
A link to the New Here Page of three subjects
Here is a sample page of the city of Bayreuth in Germany.
Generally speaking, the City Page should be created in the native language of the corresponding area or country - for demonstrating purposes, the page for Bayreuth was created in English.
Let 5 people review the page
After you did that you can go on to make some flyers.