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Serlo, open Permaculture education

Welcome to the new Permaculture pages in Serlo.

The content provided here is meant to be used by students as well as contributors, educational institutions and teachers. All content can be copied, altered and distributed according to the Creative Commons license.

This subject is currently in development. Most content is in German and has yet to be translated.

If you haven't ever heard of Permaculture, click here: What is Permaculture?

If you want to see how we imagine the content to look like one day, check out our first article and exercise: Wormery

If you'd like to boost this project, read on how you can help us.

We need you!

For the english version of Serlo Permaculture we are looking for translators (german-english).

Also, it would be nice to further develop the content, i.e. writing articles, designing exercises or producing videos on permaculture topics.

Take part in the construction of a free and open Permaculture Education and contact us at

This content is licensed under
CC BY-SA 4.0Info