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Legal Notice

“Serlo” can be found online at

Provider of this website is the Serlo Education e. V., registered at the District Dourt Munich with the number: 202808.

The “Serlo Education e.V.” is an association under german law, whose charitable status is officially recognised by the german state.

The sales-tax registration-number following §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz of the German Law is: DE347004738

The responsible contact person is the board chairman Simon Köhl.

Postal address and contact:

Serlo Education
c/o Impact Hub München
Gotzinger Straße 8
D-81371 München

phone: +491629070168

Account Details:

Serlo Education e. V.
IBAN: DE98 4306 0967 8204 5906 00

Liability for content

All content on ist created collaboratively under open licenses and may be edited by any registered users on Registered users are obliged to create and edit content factually correct and in accordance with property law to the best of their knowledge. The association does not directly control or support editorial work and most content on the platform can be modified by registered users at any time. The active users are invoked to create all content that they contribute to this website with best knowledge. All authors are fully accountable for the content created by them. The provider expressively reserves the right to exclude individual users from contributing to the platform.

Due to the open structure of Serlo and the frequent modifications of its contents it can be possible that you will see false, incomplete, outdated, contradicting, misportrayed or abridged information . The user agrees to not hold the association accountable for any damages resulting from faith in the platforms content or from its use. Registered users who are labelled as administrators (“admins”) or moderators of the platform are merely regular users of the platform wih extended technical rights and explicitly not official or legal representatives of the website provider. These individuals normally like to help quickly with questions or complaints, but are not personally responsible for the website - particularly not with regard to correctness, up-to-dateness, and completeness of the information provided.

Informations for copyright-holders

The website provider indicates on all inputpages to not use material that is subject to the copyright of third parties. Unfortunately, it cannot be warranted that material that violates existing copyright will not be uploaded by users and not immediately be recognized as such.

If the website provider is made aware of any such copyright violation the material concerned will be deleted immediately. Official contact person for such cases is the executive board of the sponsoring association. You can address your complaint at - the email should contain an exact reference to the concerned content as well as the publication or website from which the content was unwarrentedly taken.

Copyright law

Please look at our terms of use.

Responsibility for links

Our offer contains links to websites of third parties, on whose content we have not influence. The content on liked websites is the sole responsibilty of the respective provider or operator and Serlo Education cannot be held accountable for any such external content. The linked sites have been checked for and found clear of possible conflicts with the law at the time of installation of the link on A permanent content-related control of linked websites without concrete indications for illegal activity cannot reasonnably be expected. When made aware of illegal activity or content we will immediately remove such links.

Privacy policy

Please have a look at our indications in our privacy policy.