Compare the following decimal numbers and find out, if the first term is smaller (<), equal to (=) or larger than (>) the first term.
3.60 and 3.61
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Comparing decimal numbers
Compare 3.60 and 3.61.
3.60: 3 O 6 t 0 h 3.61: 3 O 6 t 1 h
First compare the integers before the decimal mark.
3 O = 3 O
Since both numbers are equal, you then need to compare the tenths.
6 t = 6 t
Since both numbers are equal, you now need to compare the hundredths.
0 h < 1 h
Since 0 < 1, the decimal number 3.61 is larger than 3.60.
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0.5 and 0.23
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Comparing decimal numbers
Compare 0.5 and 0.23.
0.5: 0 O 5 t 0 h 0.23: 0 O 2 t 3 h
First compare the integers before the decimal mark.
0 O = 0 O
Since both numbers are equal, you now need to compare the tenths.
5 t > 2 t
You now know which number is greater - you do not need to compare the hundredths anymore.
Since 5 is greater than 2, the decimal number 0.5 is greater than 0.23.
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2.7 and 2.70
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Comparing decimal numbers
Compare 2.7 and 2.70.
2.7: 2 O 7 t 0 h 2.70: 2 O 7 t 0 h
Both numbers are equal. Zeros at the end of a number do not change its value.
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0.08 and 0.1
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Comparing decimal numbers
Compare 0.08 and 0.1.
0.08: 0 O 0 t 8 h 0.1: 0 O 1 t 0 h
First compare the integers before the decimal mark.
0 O = 0 O
Since both numbers are equal, you now need to compare the tenths.
0 t < 1 t
You now know which number is greater - you do not need to compare the hundredths anymore.
0 is smaller than 1. Therefore, the decimal number 0.1 is greater than 0.08.
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