Disclaimer: This part is meant for users who have admin rights on Serlo.org and have access to the Serlo back end.
This part teaches admins how to use the Serlo back end and its functionalities. You will learn how to build new pages, taxonomies and the navigation. This tutorial only focuses on the basic functionalities needed to build a community page for a new subject.
If you are new to this then ask your Serlo-Guide to help you with this and to show you how it's done
Go to the Serlo back end click on pages and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There, click on Create a new page.
Next, you choose a name that will appear in the URL in the address field when someone loads the page. If your name contains more than one word, make sure to connect them with a hyphen. Make sure that the name accurately describes the subject community.By checking the tick marks you give editing rights to the different people on Serlo. Click on save.
This will open up the editor. Here, you can build the subject homepage.
Once you have built the homepage, you have to build the navigation around it. For now, the page can only be reached if you type the URL in the address field.
During the early stages of the community page, you can just add a link in the list of subjects that are currently in development on the new subjects page.
Subject Navigation
Once the subject becomes more established it's time to add it to the subject navigation. The subject navigation is a quick-access drop-down menu on the top left of every Serlo page. From there, you can reach every major Subject on Serlo.org.
To add a page to the subject navigation go to the back end and go to navigation. Click on top-left.
Find the page called Subjects and click on add page. The new entry will appear below. In the field next to the number, you can type a number that corresponds to the order in which it will appear in the drop down menu. For example, if one entry has the number 40 and the new page has the number 50 then it will appear below the other entry.
It is generally a good idea to pick a number that is higher or lower by more than one so that it is possible to put a new page between two existing ones. Once you have chosen a number, click on save.
Now, you have to add parameters to the entry. These parameters describe what the system is doing with your entry. To add a parameter, click on +add parameter. A new page will open with a drop down menu and a text field. You can choose the type of parameter from the drop down menu and then type in certain values or words in the text field below.
The first parameter you choose is called label. As the name suggests, it defines under what name your subject will be listed in the subject navigation.
Open the drop down menu and choose label in the list. Then you type the name of your subject in the field below and save.
Next, you need to add the parameter called params. Again, click on +add parameter, choose from the list in the drop down menu and save. You don't have to type anything in the text field.
For the next step you need to open up your subject homepage again.
Notice that when you hover your mouse over the edit button of your page, a URL will appear in the bottom left corner of your browser. At the end you will see a five-digit number.
This is the ID of your page. Sometimes there will be two numbers. The first one is your page ID. Write down this ID or memorize it.
Back in the navigation back end, you click on the plus symbol next to params. Choose page in the drop-down menu and enter your page ID in the text field.
Finally, you click on +add parameter again and choose route in the drop-down menu. Type in page/view and save.
After the website has updated, the subject entry will appear in the subjects drop down menu which will lead people directly to the subject homepage.
Add Pages to the Sidebar
You can also add pages to the sidebar of the subject page. This provides quick access to important pages of the subject community.
The steps to do this are very similar to what you have already learned when adding a page to the subject navigation.
Go to the serlo back end, click on navigation and then on default.
Click on the +page button in the top right corner.
Now, you have to fill this new entry with the same parameters as before when you added your community page to the subject navigation.
Then, you add a page to this new entry that you have just made and repeat the process but with the page ID of one of the page that you want to display in the sidebar. Remember to use the correct page ID for each entry.
This new entry makes sure that the page will be displayed in the sidebar of the community page.
Here's an example of the Serlo community page. As you can see, the “code of conduct” page entry is almost identical to the community entry, except for the page ID.
The Serlo taxonomy is the technical structure of topic pages and curriculum pages which the display of Serlo's learning objects is based on. It is a tree-like, hierarchically structured system.
It should be part of every subject page.
Building the General Structure
First, you will have to build the general structure of your subject taxonomy before you fill it with content.
Go to the Serlo back end and click on taxonomy.
Create a new subject. This opens the editor. Type in the name of your subject in the title field and click on save.
The subject will appear in the list below. Click on the button to the right and choose topic.Again, the editor will open where you can either start building your first page or name your topic, click on save and move on.
You can add more topics by clicking on the button next to your subject again.
If you want to add another level to your taxonomy, click on the button next to one of your topics and add another topic or a topic-folder.
If you click on sort at the bottom of the page you can drag and drop different topics and subjects and change the order to your liking. Click on save new order to save your changes.
Editing Content
Now that you have built the structure of the taxonomy, it is time to fill it with content. You can use the symbols to the right of every subject or topic entry for this.
Click on the pen symbol
. This will open the editor. In the editor you can create the content for a topic.
If you want to delete a subject or topic, click on the trash can symbol
. Should you wish to restore a deleted object, click on the orange symbol that has appeared in the place of the trash can.
If you click on the heart symbol
you can read the event log which shows you the history of your subject, topic, etc. It tells you what has been changed and by whom.
Moving Existing Content
If you hover over the pen symbol of a subject, topic, topic-folder, etc., you can see the page ID of that part of the taxonomy in the bottom left corner.
You can use this ID to fill the elements of your taxonomy with content that already exists in another taxonomy on serlo.org.
You can move content by going to the particular part of a taxonomy, clicking on the arrow next to the pen in the top right corner and click on batch move items. On the move associations page you can choose which content you want to move and where you want to move it.
Topic vs. Topic-folder
You probably noticed that there exists a part of the taxonomy called a topic-folder. Topic-folders differ from topics in a variety of ways:
The tree structure of a taxonomy can continue after a topic whereas a topic-folders marks the end of a particular branch
Topics are shown in the navigation of a page. Topic-folders are not.