Exercises: rounding decimal numbers
Can you do them all? With these exercises you will train the rounding of decimal numbers to certain decimal places.
- 1
Round the following numbers up to 1 place after the decimal point.
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
You have to round to one decimal place. Mentally divide the number into two pieces:
Consider the first digit of the second part. This is the first digit to be omitted.
0.2 3
The digit under consideration is a 3. So it is rounded down. This means that the second part is cut off without changing the first.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
You have to round to one decimal place. Mentally divide the number into two pieces:
0.7 8
Consider the first digit of the second part. This is the first digit to be omitted.
0.7 8
The digit under consideration is an 8. So it is rounded up. This means that the second part is omitted and the last digit is increased by 1. The 7 becomes the 8.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
You have to round to one decimal place. Mentally divide the number into two pieces:
3.7 16
Consider the first digit of the second part. This is the first digit to be omitted.
3.7 16
The digit under consideration is a 1. So it is rounded down. This means that the second part is cut off without changing the first.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
You have to round to one decimal place. Mentally divide the number into two pieces:
10.0 08548548484
Consider the first digit of the second part. This is the first digit to be omitted.
10.0 08548548484
The digit under consideration is a 0. So it is rounded down. This means that the second part is cut off without changing the first.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
You have to round to one decimal place. Mentally divide the number into two pieces:
99.9 99
Consider the first digit of the second part. This is the first digit to be omitted.
99.9 99
The digit under consideration is an 8. So it is rounded up. This means that the second part is omitted and the last digit is increased by 1. Since it is a 9, you have to adjust several digits.
As you can see, "increasing" the 9 at the tenths place also results in an adjustment of the ones, tens, and hundreds.
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- 2
Round to three decimal places.
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
The number is to be rounded to three decimal places. To do this, divide the number into two parts:
the part that ranges from the left until the place to which you should round
the part containing all other digits on the right of it
Now consider the first digit of the second part: It is a 2, so you round down.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
The number is to be rounded to three decimal places. To do this, divide the number into two parts:
the part that ranges from the left until the place to which you should round
the part containing all other digits on the right of it
Now consider the first digit of the second part: It is a 5, so you round up.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
The number is to be rounded to three decimal places. To do this, divide the number into two parts:
the part that ranges from the left until the place to which you should round
the part containing all other digits on the right of it
Now consider the first digit of the second part: It is a 8, so you round up.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
The number is to be rounded to three decimal places. To do this, divide the number into two parts:
the part that ranges from the left until the place to which you should round
the part containing all other digits on the right of it
Now consider the first digit of the second part: It is a 4, so you round down.
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
The number is to be rounded to three decimal places. To do this, divide the number into two parts:
the part that ranges from the left until the place to which you should round
the part containing all other digits on the right of it
Now consider the first digit of the second part: It is a 9, so you round up. Be careful: Since you round up a 9, you have to adjust also the digits to the left of it (from 1 to 2).
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Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Rounding decimal numbers
The number is to be rounded to three decimal places. To do this, divide the number into two parts:
the part that ranges from the left until the place to which you should round
the part containing all other digits on the right of it
Now consider the first digit of the second part: It is a 9, so you round up. Be careful: Since you round up a 9, you have to adjust also the digits to the left of it (from 899 to 900).
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- 3
Calculate 11111:9000 as decimal number and then round it to
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Decimal numbers
11 111:9000 = 900011 111 ↓ Shorten the fraction by 1000.
= 9⋅100011.111⋅1000 = 911.111 ↓ Divide.
= 1.2345 ↓ Round to hundredths.
= 1.23 Do you have a question?
Für diese Aufgabe benötigst Du folgendes Grundwissen: Decimal numbers
11 111:9000 = 900011 111 ↓ Shorten the fraction by 1000.
= 9⋅100011.111 ⋅ 1000 = 911.111 ↓ Divide.
= 1.2345 = 1.235 Do you have a question?
- 4
Convert to a decimal number and round to two decimal places!
Use the written method of addition to obtain a decimal number.
Calculate the first three digits so that you can later round to two decimal places.
Now you round the last digit away (up) and you obtain:
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Use the written method of addition to obtain a decimal number.
Calculate the first three digits so that you can later round to two decimal places.
Now you round the last digit away (up) and you obtain:
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Use the written method of addition to obtain a decimal number.
Calculate the first three digits so that you can later round to two decimal places.
Now you round the last digit away (up) and you obtain:
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Use the written method of addition to obtain a decimal number.
When you divide a number by 100, you can directly move the decimal point of the number two places (that is, the number of zeros after one) to the left.
This number does not have to be rounded, since it has already only two decimal places.
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- 5
Round to three decimal places.
Perform a written division. Since you want to round the result to three digits, you have to compute (at least) four digits.
Now, round to three digits (up).
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Perform a written division. Since you want to round the result to three digits, you have to compute (at least) four digits.
Now, round to three digits (down).
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Perform a written division. Since you want to round the result to three digits, you have to compute (at least) four digits.
Now, round to three digits (up).
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Perform a written division. Since you want to round the result to three digits, you have to compute (at least) four digits.
Now, round to three digits (up).
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Perform a written division. Since you want to round the result to three digits, you have to compute (at least) four digits.
Now, round to three digits (up).
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Perform a written division. Since you want to round the result to three digits, you have to compute (at least) four digits.
Now, round to three digits (up).
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