Help pages
Many of the help pages are currently under construction!
The help pages
are for quality assurance purposes,
ensure a consistent learning experience on, and
answer practical questions about content creation and editing.
Is a help page unclear? Are you missing a help page? Or do you have any other question? Then contact us via one of the options on the home page for authors!
New to serlo? These resources will give you a first overview to help you get started as an author.
Guidelines for authors
These help pages explain the typical structure of articles, assignments, courses, and other content types, and provide additional suggestions that contribute to a consistent learning experience for learners.
Further Guidelines for content creation
You have questions about particular elements like images or formulas or you want to make your content even more appealing? Then these help pages are right for you.
Guidelines for different roles on is designed by a variety of people with different roles. Which roles exist, how we assign roles and what else there is to know about roles, you can find here.
You can help decide how Serlo is designed. How this works and important decisions can be found here.
This content is licensed under
CC BY-SA 4.0 → Info