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Functions of the Editor

In this article you will get to know the functions of the editor of Serlo.

If you want to learn how to create content in the first place, take a look at the following help page: Create, save and edit content.

If you are editing an article, course or assignment, you will get a similar view this way or that:

If you are editing an article, you get a view to input text like this.

1 Bar for text formatting

2 Add further elements (e.g. pictures, table, important statement, ...)

3 Move elements

(Each content type has individual fields. These are explained in detail in the help pages for exercises, articles and courses).

1. Text Formatting

With the editor you can do some text formatting.

Examples of how the formatings looks

Select the text you want to format and choose one of the icons from the black bar. With B you write bold, with I italic, with Tt you can choose from different headline sizes. By clicking on the A you can change the colour of the text or use the inverted commas to convert the text into a quotation.

(english version will follow)

To create lists or formulas, first select the corresponding button in the black bar and then start your list or formula.

2. Other Elements

By clicking on the + - symbol you can add other elements besides text fields.


Use in a text field / at the beginning and you will get a menu where you can insert pictures and co.

Elements you can add in the editor


Pictures can be used in many different ways, e.g. to illustrate solution steps, represent a function or visually decorate a content.

Select the element image for the integration of images.

Overview Image

Explanation with multimedia content

If you want to place an image, video or GeoGebra applet next to an explanatory text select the "Explanation with multimedia content" element.

Overview Multimedia Content


If you want to give learners additional information that would go beyond the scope of your content, a spoiler is a good idea. A spoiler is a box that can be folded out and in again.

To create a spoiler, select the "Spoiler" element.

Overview Spoiler


A container is a good way of highlighting an important rule or other very important sentences for learners.

To add a important statement , click on the element "Container ".

Overview Important Statement

GeoGebra Applet

With a GeoGebra applet you can add moving or interactive graphics to your content. For example, you can show the construction of a geometric figure step by step or show how a function changes when different values for its parameters are used.

To add an applet, select the element "GeoGebra Applet".

Overview GeoGebra

Serlo Content

You can also include other Serlo content in your learning content. You do this, for example, if you want to include tasks from a task folder or a video on Serlo in a course or article.

To do this, select the element " content".

Overview Serlo Content


You can structure data in tables.

To do this, you must select the table element.

Table icon

Further information

3. Moving Elements

To move individual elements, click and drag on the six dots next to the element and move the content to another position.

example of how to move elements

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